Tuesday, August 12, 2008

be still, rest, and cease striving

One of my favorite scriptures is Psalm 46:10. It reads, "Be still and know that I am God". Other translations read, "Cease striving and know that I am God". Regardless of the translation, the meaning is understood. The scriptures call for us to stop and listen. They call for us to cease striving. I have entered a season of life where, if I am not careful, I will move forward forgetting these basic principles of slowing down, resting and not striving to make things happen. I say this because I really feel like the Lord call for us to be obedient to the things that He puts in front of us, but there is only so much we can do. I really feel like I am called to accomplish what He gives me to the point to where I can not do it anymore and then He comes in and does what only He can do. He paints the masterpiece. For me, I have come to this place once again. I am a coach, a teacher, a pastor, a husband, and a father and I am having to balance all of this. In my humanness, I will just push, push, push and forget to rest. Pray that I will not lean on my strength but that I will rely on the Father to do what only He can do and that I will stay committed to do what only He has has asked of me. He is God!

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