Friday, December 21, 2012


This morning, as I sit in my wonderful home, with all my wonderful things, I am reminded so much more just how blessed I am. This is always the overwhelming feeling you get when you come back from being with people who have nothing, and you have just lived life with for the past 10 days. I have been going to the Dominican Republic now for many years, and doing my best to live out the gospel mandate to serve the "least of these". I have a deep love for the people there and I already miss them. I am praying for my Julio and Mercy, Pastor Bona, Pastor Chile', Anna Maria, Juan, The people of El Cea, and the people of Santa Alicia. I'm thankful this morning for the work that the Lord is allowing us to do there through ChickenChurchOrg and a strategic partnership with 25Project

It is Christmas time, so being back drives this point of being thankful even further. In a few days, I will sit with my family and open gifts and eat plenty of food, while my Haitian friends who are in the batey in the Dominican Republic, will continue on in normal fashion. I will eat more food in just two days during our holiday festivities than my DR friends will eat in a month. The amount of money spent on one another for gifts, will alone exceed the amount it would take to feed a whole batey for 6 months.

These are the struggles that many of our team members will face this week. I only pray, that this same attitude will spur us on to do things throughout the year that can help change the lives of those people and push back the darkness of injustice all throughout the world.

I also pray that we all realize that there are people, just like our Haitian friends in the batey, that surround us everyday of our lives. My prayer is that we will not be blind to the injustice and poverty that surrounds us everyday. How is your neighbor doing?

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Questions:: Dominican


1. What is it that The Lord revealed to you this trip?
2. How can you respond to that revelation?

Another trip to the Dominican Republic is over, and I may be more wrecked than ever. This is a journey that started over 10 years ago, when I made my first trip to the Dominican. The poverty and living conditions that we witnessed will stay forever engrained in my mind. I'm convinced more than ever that, we are doing what HE would have us do for The Kingdom, as we strive the meet needs with love and engage the lives of the "least of these"

Through we are bringing hope to the hurting. Through a strategic partnership with we are seeing children sponsored, and their lives are being invested in as we bring the light of the gospel to the "least of these".

I have to admit that at times, I'm overwhelmed. There are times when I wonder why HE has given me all HE has in the area of ministry.
I am so thankful for the vision HE has given and entrusted me with in the Dominican Republic, and my prayer is that HE will be our priority, provision, and protection.

For me, I'm wrestling and struggling with the constant pursuit of excellence In everything that HE has for me to put my hands and feet too. I know that it means, at least for now, the continued pursuit of 25project and ChickenChurchOrg and all that The Lord has already opened the doors in.

We have some amazing things taking place right now
-- The answered prayer of a mission house, that Julio and Mercy live in, while, at the same time, will serve as lodging for future teams.
-- The chicken projects are going well
-- The child sponsorship program is underway and looks like we may have a celebration in March, when I return to the DR

All of that to say, my heart is very heavy. There is a weight that I carry that I struggle with. It is the idea that HE has given us so much and , in the end, am I really worthy of it all?

Okay, I understand that doctrinally and theologically, I deserve the wrath of God but He chooses, by His kindness, to extend grace to us which in turn gives us victory over this wrath. A victory that only comes through Jesus doing what only HE can do. It's my job then to respond to however HE choses to reveal Himself to me in my life.

Do you ever wonder why HE gives so much especially, when it is all much bigger than who you are.

I have been clinging to and praying, "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever.

Lord, don't let me get ahead of You are behind You, but let me walk in step with You.

Please help me to understand that You have not asked anything of me that You have not already equipped and prepared me for

-Pray with me for upcoming trips in March, June and July!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Dominican download -day8

Today is our team day. We spent the majority of the morning finishing up some painting around the mission house, building shelves, and anything else we could find to do.
We then headed out to the capital, Santo Domingo, to go to the Colonial Zone so the students could walk through the market and purchase souvenirs.
Of course, I had to go to my favorite coffee spot and chill for a little bit. The students hit the ice cream store and continued shopping as we walked down the Main Street of the Colonial Zone, which leads to the first church in the Americas and another favorite spot, The Hard Rock Cafe, where we ate dinner together.
We finished the evening in a reflection service. Talked about the things that The Lord has been doing in us, to us, and through us this week. God is good. Your students are amazing. Thanks for sharing them with me, and allowing them to be a part of this team

Monday, December 17, 2012

Dominican download-day7

We spent today at the mission house getting things ready for future groups, who will stay here. This house is an answer to prayers that we have been praying for the last 3 years. The Lord continues to reveal to us that He truly is our provider.
The students nearly painted the whole house today and we spent time building bunk beds trying to outfit the bedrooms to fit more people. This truly is an amazing place. These students truly are amazing students. These people truly are amazing people.
The students have worked very hard today and I am so excited about all the work that is getting done here. I have a trip in March and 3 more this summer so far. God is up to something big!
I do have to admit that our students had a hard time today's not being with the children in the batey. Our students have truly been impacted by the gospel. I keep telling them that the gospel looks good on them.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Dominican download- day6

Today was a great day. We headed out to Santa Alicia to have community and worship with the people there. I knew it would be a difficult day because it's the last day with the children there.

We arrived and began getting things ready for worship. They had a music group that led out in song and Pastor Bona shared with our group. After they led the first part of service, our students led in a few songs and then I had the opportunity to preach.

There is something really cool about having this kind of opportunity. It was refreshing to hear them and see them engage in what was going on. I love their willingness to spur you own when you teach. Love hearing the Amens and such.

After worship we got out the baseball gear and played a few games with them. It was a great time. There was a real sense of community and it felt like we had known each other forever. Let's be honest, they are great ball players

While we played baseball, the ladies in the batey made lunch for everyone. It was amazing and watching everyone serve each other was a great testimony to all the HE is and all that HE does. The lunch was great but when it was over, it meant our time with them had also come to an end. Well at least on this trip.

As we pulled out of the batey, our little bus full of students were I tears. It is always amazing to see the gospel become reality in people's lives. It looks good on them. They wear the gospel well. Your students are awesome.

We left Santa Alicia and drive to El Cea, which is another batey that we have a chicken project in. The chickens in El Cea are now maying eggs and many o the people are starting to sell them and create a little cash flow for their families.

So thankful for the chicken projects that we have going on and very thankful that we are fulfilling a vision through

Jesus Paid It All

Batey Worship

Students Sing

Worship in Santa Alicia

Santa Alicia

We are headed to Santa Alicia this morning for worship. The students are excite to see our friends in the batey. Today will be hard because, this is the last day we will see these children. Pray for us as we minister to the "least of these". Pray for me as I share the gospel today in the service.