Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What Are You Saying?

Today, while reading in Proverbs, I came across this verse in chapter 18 verse 21. It reads like this in the NLT, "Those who love to talk will experience the consequences, for the tongue can kill or nourish life"

What a reminder for all of us and how we communicate. It really makes you think about the fact that what we say will bring about death or life. I began learning, and still am learning, a long time ago that I should really listen more and talk less. I have been trying to teach myself to listen to what is being said before I roll off with some remark that I think is the direction in which the conversation is headed. I am learning to "cease striving..." in accordance with Psalm 46 and rely on the fact that He is God and it is not my duty nor job to try and accomplish His. I hope that makes sense? I really believe in our humanness, we often get in the way of what He is doing. We often let loose of our tongues in times when we have in reality been called to be silent. We often feel the need to speak, when all along He has called us to listen. We often say things that are stupid and cause death because we have not taken the time to really think about what we are saying and the effects that is has on those around us. Scriptures tell us that we bring about death or nourishment to life with what we say with our tongue!
~ Lord give me Your ears, Your eyes and Your heart so that I can hear, see and love people the way You do. In doing so, I will not speak things that bring about destruction but rather words that nourish life

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