Friday, November 12, 2010

November 12, 2010~RightNow Conference session1

JR Vassar
Depending on the Holy Spirit

Don't settle for the results of the work of your flesh

Don't let intimidation lead you into imitation

We must rely on the Holy Spirit
John 20:19

You need the same resources
.... The presence an the purpose of the Holy Spirt
.... In Jesus' incarnation He became reliant upon the Holy Spirt

The people of God have to be dependent on the Holy Spirit to be a prophetic, priestly, people of God

God has to be intimate and in you rather than just among you

This is the promise of the new covenant

Our default is manufacturing ministries in the church - imitation
.....Imitation slays creativity

What would I look like if we began to experience the Spirit in similar ways as Jesus did with similar affects

1. Experience a confirmation of our sonship
2. Prompting toward ministry and an empowerment for ministry
.... Are we responding to the prompting of the Spirt
.... What are we forfeiting on the other side of the prompting by not responding to the Spirit

There must be an expectancy in our hearts for what He wants for us, what He want to do to us, and what He want to do through us
.... It is about posture!

Trent Brown, Lead Pastor
Gateway Fellowship

Sent from my iPhone

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