Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November 10, 2010-Rightnow session2 (Pre Conference)

Dr. Larry Osborne
Sticky Church: slamming your back door

The people we have are tools to be used
.... Shepherd the flock God has entrusted to you

We can not overlook the ones who are struggling in the flock

Assimilation and retention (sticky church)
....assimilation equals getting people to come back and get them into a program (vital first step but not a place of connection)
....retention equals getting people to stay (goal is lifelong relationship)

Question:: what are we doing relationally in our small groups as well as what we are doing missionaly

Our groups have to be highly Missional but relational as well
.... Are we creating tight family relationships
.... People have to learn to be vulnerable not "friendly" are you? .... I am fine (when really they are not)
..... Friendly does not equal connection
Many people will be friendly by will not connect

Churches have to be birthing centers
.... People need to grow and be nurtured
.... People stay where there is growth

We can not think that just because we are friendly that we are connected

Question... Are we really connecting and becoming sticky?
Or are we just acting friendly

Trent Brown, Lead Pastor
Gateway Fellowship

Sent from my iPhone

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