Wednesday, November 10, 2010

November 10, 2010~RightNow session4 (Pre Conference)

Matt Carter
Moving "small groups" to "Missional communities"

We can never allow our churches to fall in live with the mission more that the Savior

You can not fall more in live with mission than Jesus

Ephesians 4:11 and 16

What causes the body of Christ to grow?
.... Each part has to work properly

The body of Christ in America is not growing therefore we have to realize that all of it's parts are not working properly

What does the Gospel look like when it works and walks through our lives?

What are we really trying to achieve?

There is a growing sense of restlessness in the laity of the church

18-30 year olds are not okay with sitting on the sidelines of ministry. They want to be a part of something bigger than themselves.

They want to know when they can get into the fight.

We must equip and empower them to DO and to be SENT

If your church is preaching the Word of God and the people are on mission- it will grow

Question:: if my church grew by thousands, would my city really change?

It would if we equipped them and sent them into the neighborhoods and community- that is when change occurs

Jesus' church growth model was to take 12 ordinary guys. He equipped them, trained them and released them

Is it possible to attract people and release them?
..... It is!
.... Move from community groups to Missional Communities
..... Don't just come together to pray and eat but come together with the goal in mind to really be Missional in our community

1. Changes definition of success for small group
.... Has the group of people moved from just meeting together to engaging missionally in the community
........... "there is nothing that fosters community better than mission"
2. Change how we train and disciple leaders
...... Train them to think and act like missionaries
3. Raise the bar for the groups
...... Challenge them to do huge things
....... Scripture tells us that the power of the resurrection resides within those who are sitting in our churches... Release them!

Trent Brown, Lead Pastor
Gateway Fellowship

Sent from my iPhone

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