:Missional Christian::Emerging Elder::Reformed Theologian::Gutter Walker::Avid Reader::Loving Husband::Proud Father::Coach::Teacher::Church Planter::Pastor:
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Quote~ J.C. Ryle
~ J.C. Ryle
Monday, November 15, 2010
Neighborhood event raises food for Helping Hands
Neighborhood event raises food for Helping Hands
By JIM HARDINHerald-Banner
Rockwall County — A Royse City Church held a neighborhood-based food drive Saturday to help Helping Hands of Rockwall County restock its food shelves.
Signs in Royse City led to a residence on Mockingbird Street. And in the home’s driveway were several boxes of food and another sign promoting the food drive.
Donna Webb, who hosted the food drive at her residence, said the food drive was sponsored as a community event by Gateway Fellowship Church.
Few Royse City residents dropped off food, so church members started going door-to-door. Webb said that effort was more productive.
“We’re doing this to provide a service to the community and to meet the community,” Webb said.
Several families from the church helped Webb and her husband, Max, with the project.
Here is the link to the article in the Herald Banner
Friday, November 12, 2010
November 12, 2010~RightNow Conference session2
The Sacred Call To Work
Ephesians 6: 5-9
....How does this change our view about work
....How we work as those who supervised other as well as being supervised by someone else
....Work was given to us before the fall
What is God's vision for work
People spend the most of their time in their workplaces
We must disciple them to use their workplace as a mission field
1. Identity is not in a position but in a person
..... We are bond-slaves to Jesus
.... We are someone because of who we are in Him not what we do
2. Work is worship
.... But you are not called to worship your work
.... We are called to work as doing everything as unto the Lord
..... No matter what you do, or whatever task you are given.. do as unto the lord
..... Work is sacred ... Do not preach the word if you are called to serve tables..... Do not serve tables if you have been called to preach the word ---- The Disciples had that one right!!
What are the implications?
1. Your work needs to be good work
... For work to be good it has an upward, inward and outward dimension
2. Your work needs to have proper motivation
..... Define the "win" in your work
..... must see that the Lord is the one we are ultimately serving
1a. Doing your work from the heart (integrity, diligent, and with excellence )
2b..Treat those who you work with, with Gospel humility
.... Treat others with dignity, love, and respect
.... The Gospel levels everyone and lifts everyone
3c. Work mindful of what the reward is in HIM
... Believe the Gospel
.... You will have no regrets
3. Work is a Gospel opportunity
.... Whatever you do as a vocation do it as a witness of the Gospel- adorn your work with the Gospel
..... Every portion of your life is brought under subjection of the Gospel
Trent Brown, Lead Pastor
Gateway Fellowship
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November 12, 2010~RightNow Conference.... Breakout
From Unchristian to Christian
What we need to do in order to gain the attention of those who are unchristian
Teach the high standard of image-bearing to which Christ holds believers
Romans 2:24
Matthew 23:13
Matthew 5:16
John 17:23
Restore a proper theology of insiders an outsiders
Colossians 4: 5-6
1 Corinthians 5: 9-13
Rediscover the deeper meaning of the "offense" of the Gospel
Galatians 2:13 and 5:11
Luke 15
Trent Brown, Lead Pastor
Gateway Fellowship
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November 12, 2010~RightNow Conference session1
Depending on the Holy Spirit
Don't settle for the results of the work of your flesh
Don't let intimidation lead you into imitation
We must rely on the Holy Spirit
John 20:19
You need the same resources
.... The presence an the purpose of the Holy Spirt
.... In Jesus' incarnation He became reliant upon the Holy Spirt
The people of God have to be dependent on the Holy Spirit to be a prophetic, priestly, people of God
God has to be intimate and in you rather than just among you
This is the promise of the new covenant
Our default is manufacturing ministries in the church - imitation
.....Imitation slays creativity
What would I look like if we began to experience the Spirit in similar ways as Jesus did with similar affects
1. Experience a confirmation of our sonship
2. Prompting toward ministry and an empowerment for ministry
.... Are we responding to the prompting of the Spirt
.... What are we forfeiting on the other side of the prompting by not responding to the Spirit
There must be an expectancy in our hearts for what He wants for us, what He want to do to us, and what He want to do through us
.... It is about posture!
Trent Brown, Lead Pastor
Gateway Fellowship
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Thursday, November 11, 2010
November 11, 2010~RightNow Conference session2
Too Much Information
John 4:
Jesus had an assignment to reveal Himself to those around Him. A brief but very profound ministry. His own people would not listen so He goes elsewhere. He gets weary and rests at the well.
Physical well- spiritual well
As leaders for us to reach people we have to be able communicate about something we both now
.... Meet them on their turf
..... The story unfolds:: they are both thirsty but thirsty for something different .... Literal vs spiritual
Water here is the common denominator between them both
....Starts off with something natural and then gets personal
It is all about relationship
.... Move past religion
You have had 5 husbands and the one you are with now is not your husband but I don't care
Look at the disciples.. The religious people are questioning themselves on why He is talking to her
We can't try to push people into a relationship with Jesus through the eyehole of Religion
She runs to the village and tells everyone about the man that just told me everything about my life and didn't care
... We must release people from our own perception of what we think people are gonna think about them
.... We must release people into relationship rather than into religion
.... Why do we think He does not call us to be vulnerable
.... Ministry calls us to give Too Much Information
..... We need to run back to the community and scream "Come See A Man" who loves me
..... People want to connect to those who know about them but still love them
..... This women had to perform for 6 men until she met The Man who loved her for who she is
We must release people from the shame of their past
He loves us right where we are
Grace is more promiscuous than any prostitute
Grace will get with anyone!!
Trent Brown, Lead Pastor
Gateway Fellowship
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November 11, 2010~RightNow Conference breakout2
Keys to planting healthy, thriving churches
1. New churches have to rely on God
.... Not on anything else
.... You have to rely on God, not your talent
2. New churches must develop new leaders
..... Growing churches have growing leaders
..... Healthy churches have healthy leaders
The habits of your core group will become the culture of your church
3. New churches have to develop strong systems
..... Missional
..... Discipleship
..... Leadership
...... Accountability
People are drawn to places that life change is happening
Capitalize on the power of Story
Trent Brown, Lead Pastor
Gateway Fellowship
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November 11, 2010~RightNow Conference....breakout1
Reaching the college student, 20's and 30's
There is a huge demographic that is missing from our church in America 18-35yr olds
Principles that the Austin Stone is applying to the church in order to reach that generation
You must lift up the name of Jesus in all that you do
He must be the star of all that we do
The way your church worships may attract people but it will not keep them
First reason they stay is the Preaching, teaching and doctrine is what keeps people
..... Teach the Word
..... Teach doctrine but do so in a way that people will understand
..... Teach all of the Word
..... Challenge with the Word
..... Transparency is crucial. It is okay for them to see you being real
..... Give people a chance to not be okay
Get your mind around the Gospel
.....Teach them to fall in love with Jesus and let Him work through you
..... Are we teaching the Gospel or self righteousness
Second reason they stay is because we get them on mission
.... They want to be in the fight
.... They want to Christianity that is displayed in the book of Acts
...... They need to be released into service
...... They want to make a difference.
..... They hate injustice and want to be a part of making a difference
We must challenge our people to give their lives away for the cause of Christ
Trent Brown, Lead Pastor
Gateway Fellowship
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November 11, 2010~ RightNow Conference session1
The Mystery Of It All
Ephesians 3
Ephesians 6
What did Paul trade in his life for?
1. He traded for Christ
....I am an apostle of Christ, I am a minister of Christ
Paul was a Christ intoxicated man
He traded in the law of Judaism for the person of Christ
2. He traded for Grace
.... The administration of grace
.... We must be stewards of grace
.... We embrace it, receive it, and give it
3. He traded for the mystery
.... The mystery made known to me by revelation
.... Christ in which everything is found
.... Christ indwelling me which is the hope of glory
.... Christ in me, Christ in us
4. He traded for the church
.... The dynamic of Christ in us is real and unique
.... The church takes Christ to the world
.... Christ in us the hope of glory
5. He traded for ministry
.... Servant of the Gospel
.... God by his grace has given me the gift of ministry
.... Ministry is not our gift to God. It is his gift to us
We must become Christ intoxicated people
We must become messengers of the mystery
Trent Brown, Lead Pastor
Gateway Fellowship
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010
November 10, 2010~RightNow session4 (Pre Conference)
Moving "small groups" to "Missional communities"
We can never allow our churches to fall in live with the mission more that the Savior
You can not fall more in live with mission than Jesus
Ephesians 4:11 and 16
What causes the body of Christ to grow?
.... Each part has to work properly
The body of Christ in America is not growing therefore we have to realize that all of it's parts are not working properly
What does the Gospel look like when it works and walks through our lives?
What are we really trying to achieve?
There is a growing sense of restlessness in the laity of the church
18-30 year olds are not okay with sitting on the sidelines of ministry. They want to be a part of something bigger than themselves.
They want to know when they can get into the fight.
We must equip and empower them to DO and to be SENT
If your church is preaching the Word of God and the people are on mission- it will grow
Question:: if my church grew by thousands, would my city really change?
It would if we equipped them and sent them into the neighborhoods and community- that is when change occurs
Jesus' church growth model was to take 12 ordinary guys. He equipped them, trained them and released them
Is it possible to attract people and release them?
..... It is!
.... Move from community groups to Missional Communities
..... Don't just come together to pray and eat but come together with the goal in mind to really be Missional in our community
1. Changes definition of success for small group
.... Has the group of people moved from just meeting together to engaging missionally in the community
........... "there is nothing that fosters community better than mission"
2. Change how we train and disciple leaders
...... Train them to think and act like missionaries
3. Raise the bar for the groups
...... Challenge them to do huge things
....... Scripture tells us that the power of the resurrection resides within those who are sitting in our churches... Release them!
Trent Brown, Lead Pastor
Gateway Fellowship
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November 10, 2010~ RightNow Session3 (Pre Conference)
Mentoring Made Easy
why we should mentor
1. It is Biblical
.... We have to think generationally
.... We have to recruit for vision not need
..... We must have a leadership development culture
2. It is the best method of transformation
Trent Brown, Lead Pastor
Gateway Fellowship
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November 10, 2010-Rightnow session2 (Pre Conference)
Sticky Church: slamming your back door
The people we have are tools to be used
.... Shepherd the flock God has entrusted to you
We can not overlook the ones who are struggling in the flock
Assimilation and retention (sticky church)
....assimilation equals getting people to come back and get them into a program (vital first step but not a place of connection)
....retention equals getting people to stay (goal is lifelong relationship)
Question:: what are we doing relationally in our small groups as well as what we are doing missionaly
Our groups have to be highly Missional but relational as well
.... Are we creating tight family relationships
.... People have to learn to be vulnerable not "friendly"
Example....how are you? .... I am fine (when really they are not)
..... Friendly does not equal connection
Many people will be friendly by will not connect
Churches have to be birthing centers
.... People need to grow and be nurtured
.... People stay where there is growth
We can not think that just because we are friendly that we are connected
Question... Are we really connecting and becoming sticky?
Or are we just acting friendly
Trent Brown, Lead Pastor
Gateway Fellowship
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November 10, 2010~ RightNow session1 (Pre Conference)
The Church Has Left The Building
~the transforming power of a church-wide weekend of service
2 keys to reaching our culture today::
- authenticity
- Bono factor= what are you doing for someone else?
How do we mobilize the congregation to get out and serve the community?
-small groups have to model
-church wide service of serving in the community
Luke 10: 1-20
A weekend of service
1. They went as his advance team to a specific place- verse1
2. They went with a specific cause- verse 2-9
3. They returned with joy -verse 17-20
Points to ponder::
Before they went out to serve Jesus thinned the herd
They were sent out Not just to do good deeds
They were sent out to be the advance team so that the people would be willing to accept Jesus, when He came
They focused on those who were opened to their message
Poverty, injustice and disease are not life's biggest problem. Eternity is!
Practical App::
1. Be sure you are asking what is our purpose and how will we measure success?
2. How can we make this a great experience for everyone?
3. How can we institutionalize good intentions?
Trent Brown, Lead Pastor
Gateway Fellowship
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Wednesday, November 3, 2010
"I Had No Shirt"
"It is almost impossible for Americans to come to terms with Jesus' commendation of the widow who "out of her poverty put in all she had to live on"(Luke 21:4). To see this spirit fleshed out, we may have to leave America and go elsewhere. Stanford Kelly illustrates it from Haiti.
The church was having a Thanksgiving festival, and each Christian was invited to bring a love offering. One envelope from a Haitian man named Edmund held $ 13. That amount was three month's income for a working man there. Kelly was as surprised as those counting a Sunday offering in the United States might be to get a $ 6,000 cash gift. He looked around for Edmund but could not see him.
Later Kelly met him in the village and questioned him. He pressed him for an explanation and found that Edmund had sold his horse in order to give the $ 13 gift to God. But why hadn't he come to the festival? He hesitated and didn't want to answer. Finally, Edmund said, "I had no shirt to wear"
.... I am not sure anything else needs to be said!