Saturday, March 5, 2022

Dominican Republic 3.5.22

 We had a great start this morning to our leadership retreat. We spent some time talking about the authority, clarity, necessity, and sufficiency of scripture. It’s days like this that I am reminded that we have to not just “do” church but we have to “be” the church. I think at times, if we are not careful, we find ourselves just going through the motions of what we would call church. We find ourselves in a routine that becomes stale and stagnant if not passionate about pursuing ALL that He has for us. What is it that He is calling you to? Where is He reveling Himself to you in your life? Are you willing to respond to that revelation?

These two men are yet another reason I love coming back to The Dominican Republic. They both love the Lord and have a deep passion for The Word to be taught contextually and with authority. We have amazing conversations about ministry being done from a gospel centered perspective. When you have a chance pray for Paul (closest to me) and Jose. These two men are serving in multiple ministries and are an inspiration 

I am overwhelmed at times, when I look back at all the things that The Lord has done over the years here in The Dominican. I remember prayerfully walking through villages asking God to give us a place to invest in vulnerable children, in a way that would show them the love of Christ. My prayer is that these children would know and understand that HE is sufficient in all things. It’s ironic, because I feel like it’s the same thing that we all need to know and understand. If we truly believe that He is sovereign in all things, than why do we allow ourselves NOT to rest in the simple fact that His sovereignty is sufficient for us. He is truly all we need. If He is sufficient, than we don’t have to add anything. We don’t have to try and manipulate events, and or circumstances that we find ourselves in. We can rest knowing that He is ultimately the One who is in control of it all.

Here are a few pics of the students that I am pouring into this week during our small group times. Please pray for Patricia, Rubi, Kendi, Christopher, and Yeison


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