Monday, March 7, 2022

Dominican Republic 3.7.22

We spent the morning walking through some defining values about the Trinity. We looked at The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit and how each of  them work together yet separate. This morning concluded our lessons with the students and I am thankful for the opportunity we had these last three mornings. From discussions about the authority, clarity, necessity, and sufficiency of the Scriptures to the many attributes of our God, I hope they have a little better understanding of these principles that help shape our faith and worldview.

Here is a picture of one of the students notes that they have taken the last few days 

They worked on making three separate star like patterns that can be hung on the wall as a reminder of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit 

We have one last morning with them before we have to say bye. One of the only things that makes that a little easier is that I will be back in July

Please continue to pray for Kendi, Christopher, Yeison, Patricia, and Rubi

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