Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Dominican Republic 12.30.20

Words can not express what today as like. Let me start with this though. During their Christmas musical presentation they used a donkey for Mary to ride in the ministry on, while Joseph led the donkey. 

I had an amazing time being able to sit with our sweet little girl here in the Dominican. Her name is Darianny, Please continue to pray for her and her family.

This was another awesome moment when they danced to Waymaker. The children in the program always work on artistic ways to worship their creator. I love the fact that they use their talents to worship.

Then there’s these two guys Miguel Angel and Claudio. We usually spend time playing music together and or studying the Word with each other. These guys will be used in a mighty way for the Lord. They seem to have a genuine commitment to the program and are always leading our in the Bible study and the worship time. They are gifted musicians as well.

Let me say a big thank you to all of you who helped support our Christmas Meal here. It was a huge blessing.

I will leave it with this, my son continues to amaze me with his love for the Word of God and his passion for it being taught with clarity. After, I presented the gospel to all the older children this afternoon, he stepped up and spoke with boldness about his spiritual journey, making sure to let them now the story doesn’t end (your journey doesn’t end) until He calls you home - and that the journey is one of progression. 

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