Sunday, December 13, 2009

Notes from morning sermon:: Christmas Coin

Acts 4:8-12
Kingdom Life Unwrapped
Dr. Mildred Minatrea

Jesus Christ came, lived a perfect life, was crucified, died and placed in a tomb, and rose again in fufilment of the scriptures

..There is salvation is no one else!
..This is the Gospel
..There is no other name under heaven given to people by which we must be saved

If we were to mint a Christmas Coin, it would look like this:
-one side is the crown
-one side is the cross

Thus Jesus is The stone despised by you builders, who has become the cornerstone - verse 11

God's way of commemorating is not in making coins. God's way of commemorating is in the gift of the Holy Spirit

The Spirit leads us for His name and renown. It us not about us! We must live a life that is led by the Spirit. One that causes us to leave it all and give it all for all that He is and what He is doing in and through us

Trent Brown, Lead Pastor
Gateway Fellowship

Sent from my iPhone

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