Friday, December 11, 2009

GCS Mission Trip '09 :: December 12-17

Greenville Christian School's 2009 Mission Trip will take place in Sullivan City, TX.

We will be:

* working with a mission church in Sullivan City, TX (a ministry of Calvary Baptist Church in McAllen, Tx)
* staying at Valley Baptist Retreat, Mission, TX
* putting together a Christmas themed Vacation Bible School program that tell the story of Jesus
* playing soccer, kickball and other games in order to build relationships with and share the Gospel with the people of the area
* we will be building a community playground, picnic table, and park benches
* painting and doing some small construction work at and around the mission church
* making ourselves available for any other service related projects that may need to be done


* leave from GCS on Saturday, December 12th
* arrive in Mission, TX at Valley Baptist Retreat on Saturday, December 12th
* attend Sunday morning worship at Calvary Baptist Church in McAllen, TX on December 13th
* travel into Sullivan City on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (December 14, 15, and 16) to work with the mission church
* leave Mission, TX on Thursday, December 17th and arrive back at GCS that evening

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