Friday, November 6, 2009

@timrossorg teaching Connection Session @ RightNow Conf

@timrossorg teaching Connection Session @ RightNow Conf
New Testament Leadership

You must decrease to allow others to increase
... You may have to get out of the way

In leadership:: often times your pain may be somebody elses passion

You must replace yourself
You must be willing to let those around you succeed

You are either laying hands on someone for succession leadership or
you are laying hands on them and holding them down

Jesus says, greater works should you do

Do not trap disciples in apostles bodies

You have got to be able to see the exit sign

Paul to Timothy," I am finished"
.... generationally there are many who are running around the track
with no baton (no one has handed them anything)
.... There are others who are just waiting for the baton.... You must
be willing to hand it to them. You must not pass the one who is
supposed to run that leg of the race

Paul understood his leg of the race

Trent Brown, Lead Pastor
Gateway Fellowship

Sent from my iPhone

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