We are in a series called The Parables at Gateway Fellowship Church This Sunday the message was over the Laborers in the Vineyard taken from Matthew 20 The parable unfolds for us the idea of generous grace. We have a tendency to understand the way law works. You see you do something and you get what you deserve. Right? Well wrong. When you unpack this parable it speaks to us about the fact that God deals with us according to who He is and not according to who we are. You see, lets be honest. Do we really want what we rightfully deserve from Him. The answer is No. You see this concept of Him giving us what He wants is sometimes very difficult to grasp. Take the Laborers for example. The landowner hired them to work for a denarius and the men agreed upon that wage. However, the Landowner continued to hire people through out the day and not everyone worked the same amount of time. So at the end of the day, when the foreman was given the task to pay t he workers. he was told to pay the ones who came last first. The foreman did as he was told and then he paid the ones who were hired first. The men who had worked all day wanted to know why they were not getting more than the ones who just worked a few hours. Sound familiar? Sound like our own attitudes when things like this come up? Here is the really cool part.
~God’s grace always operates righteously. He never does anything unfair in grace. God will never be less than fair, but He reserves the right to be more than fair according to the pleasure and riches of His grace. This parable shows that God can give to us out of the abundance of His goodness, completely apart from what we deserve.
Thank you Lord for GRACE. Thank you for dealing with us in light of who you are and not according to who we are.
Join us this Sunday as we take an in depth look at The Wedding Feast. I am really excited about this series and the truths that it hold for all of us.
.. I love our church
.. I love our team
.. I love our people
.. I love our community
.. I love what He is doing in us
.. I love what He is doing through us
.. I love that He is not done with us
There are some awesome things coming up in the life of Gateway Fellowship.
.. new ConnectGroup studies by Zach Snow
.. new Creative Arts stuff being led by Scott Finch
.. new way to stay connected with GFchurch Facebook Page
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