Tuesday, October 12, 2010

ONE campaign

On September 12, 2010, we celebrated our 5yr anniversary and we talked about the ONE campaign. The ONE campaign is a campaign for us to "engage in" and "partner with" over the next year.

We are looking at each family in our church prayerfully INVESTING&INVITING at least ONE family over the year to one of our ministry events. We are asking each family to engage in a relationship with at least ONE family or person that is pre-churched, de-churched or anti-churched in an effort to share the Gospel of Christ with them. As a part of this campaign, we asked you to fill out an IMPACT card this past Sunday that you can keep in your Bible to help remind you to pray for them. On that card are the names of the 10 families or persons we just shared about above. We also asked that you fill out another card with the exact information on it and turn it back into the church so the Elders and staff can pray over them specifically.

We are asking our connect groups to begin "stretching" themselves in the area of local and global missions. We are also asking them to begin the birthing process of another group out of their existing one. We must be intentional about the discipleship process and forming new leaders. We must birth at least ONE more connect group out of each of our existing ones.

We are also planning on birthing ONE more GFchurch campus over the next year. Church planting is a part of our DNA and we must be going through birthing pains over the next year. We are already a regional church, and as we experience God's growth, we know we will need to meet needs by offering services in different places and at different times.

Another challenge we are asking our people to partner in is sacrificing ONE "going out" meal a week and give that money to the church to help support our missional efforts in our community and other surrounding communities.

We are really excited about all that is going on in the life of our church and we are asking you to pray with us that this year will be the best yet.

Remember the next few months we will be hosting several block parties, a couple food drives in order to help support the food pantry, and participating in some community wide events in an effort to share the Gospel of Christ.


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