Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Three Questions

Three questions we need to ask ourselves. These questions came from a sermon preached by Perry Noble @ the Unleashed Conference. He preached from the story of the Prodigal Son taken from Luke 15.

1. What is it that God wants to do in the church he has called us to shepherd?
-- are we working so hard for the Father that have forgotten the heart of the Father
-- is God working all around us but we are missing it because of "our hard work"
-- are working out of inspiration as opposed to revelation?

2. What are the barriers that stand in the way?
-- do we refuse to change? (personal preferences)
-- do we celebrate where God is moving?
-- do we lack in "our understanding"? (are we the older son?)

3. What do we want to celebrate?
-- our main job as the church is to lift up the name of Jesus
-- are we stuck on public and political issues or are we celebrating life change?

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