Thursday, October 17, 2013

Devotion- a Puritan prayer

God of my end,
It is my greatest, noblest pleasure
to be acquainted with thee
and with my rational, immortal soul;
It is sweet and entertaining
to look into my being
when all my powers and passions
are united and engaged in pursuit of thee,
when my soul longs and passionately breathes
after conformity to thee
and the full enjoyment of thee;
No hours pass away with so much pleasure
as those spent in communion with thee
and with my heart.
O how desirable, how profitable to the Christian life
is a spirit of holy watchfulness
and godly jealousy over myself,
when my soul is afraid of nothing
except grieving and offending thee,
the blessed God, my Father and friend,
whom I then love and long to please,
rather than be happy in myself!
Knowing, as I do, that this is the pious temper,
worthy of the highest ambition, and closest
pursuit of intelligent creatures
and holy Christians,
may my joy derive from glorifying and
delighting thee.
I long to fill all my time for thee,
whether at home or in the way;
to place all my concerns in thy hands;
to be entirely at thy disposal,
having no will or interest of my own.
Help me to live to thee for ever,
to make thee my last and only end,
so that I may never more in one instance
love my sinful self.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Worship without theology

John Stott writes that...

"All true worship is a response to the self-revelation of God in Christ and Scripture, and arises from our reflection on Who He is and what He has done. The worship of God is evoked, informed and inspired by the vision of God. Worship without theology is bound to degenerate into idolatry. Hence the indispensable place of Scripture in both public and private devotion. It is the Word of God which calls forth the worship of God. On the other hand, there should be no theology without doxology. There is something fundamentally flawed about a purely academic interest in God. God is not an appropriate object for cool, critical, detached, scientific observation and evaluation. No, the true knowledge of God will always lead us to worship, as it did Paul. Our place is on our faces before him in adoration....Bishop Handley Moule said at the end of the last [19th] century, we must "beware equally of an undevotional theology and of an untheological devotion."

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Dominican Recap

This morning as I sat and read The Word, while sipping on fresh brewed Dominican Coffee, I was thankful again for my most recent trip to the Dominican Republic. This trip was another reminder of the fact that He is in control, and He does what He says He will do. While walking through Santa Alicia, feeding the children in school, and chatting with Pastor Bona, I was once again brought to tears about His handiwork. This trip was not only beautiful, but it served as a confirmation and visual reminder of all the many things we have been praying about for years.
Through @25projectorg's NameChanger program, these children are being educated daily, have been given a school uniform, are being taught the Word of God, and are given breakfast daily, which might be the only meal they eat that day. All of this is possible because of people, like you, who have sacrificed in order to sponsor a child in the Dominican Republic. These children are Haitian immigrants who are living on sugarcane plantations, which are called bateys. We are so thankful for how The Lord has opened doors for us to minister there.
For the last several years, I have spent time in Santa Alicia and El Cea praying about all the things that He might have us do there. I am so thankful for @25projectorg and how The Lord has put together and orchestrated all of these things. Once again, an amazing confirmation of all that He is.
If you would like to get involved with the work that @25projectorg is doing in the Dominican Republic, I would love to talk about it with you. Would you consider coming alongside 25projectorg in order to help change the lives of children living in these bateys.
Not only is there an ongoing sponsorship program, called NameChangers, in Santa Alicia but we are also starting a breakfast program and sponsorship in El Cea. Why don't you pray about becoming a NameChanger and help us make an impact on the lives of these children. Pray with us for the people in Santa Alicia and El Cea, for Pastor Bona and Pastor Chile', and for our ministry partners there.

This is Mariyerlin, she is the little girl that my family sponsors. We pray for her daily and my children are so excited about the opportunity we have to invest in her life.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

El Cea- Dominican Republic

Today was another amazing day of dreaming and praying about what all HE has in store for @25projectorg here in the Dominican Republic.
We went to El Cea today, which is another batey that Haitian immigrants live in. You have to get an understanding of the history between the Haitians and the Dominican to get a proper perspective on the culture here in the DR.
All I that to say, God has birthed and orchestrated some very beautiful ministry opportunities we have here in the DR through @25projectorg.
25projectorg will begin a sponsorship program and breakfast program very soon in El Cea. For me, this is yet another answer to prayers that I've been praying for years. So thankful for His plan, His timing, and the fact that HE is in control.
It was good to see the El Cea community again today, as well as Pastor Chile'. Would you join me in praying for Pastor Chile' and the ministry partners and their work here in El Cea.
If you want to know how you can get involved with the work here in theDominican Republic through @25projectorg , contact me. I would love to share the vision with you and how you can get involved. 
-Here are a few pics from today:

One of my buddies, Carlos

- my favorite picture of the day

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Santa Alicia- Dominican Republic

It has been a great day today. We spent time in Santa Alicia, one of the Bateys that @25projectorg has an ongoing sponsorship program for Haitian children living in the Dominican Republic. 
Today was another very special day for me, in my journey, here in the Dominican. It allowed me to witness firsthand the answer to many of my prayers for the past few years. I'm so thankful for the ministry partners here and the passion and vision behind @25projectorg and the way The Lord has orchestrated it all. 
I have to admit that today, while holding in my arms, Jasmine, the girl that my mother sponsors through Name Changers at 25; I teared up while talking about the program and the changes it is making In this beautiful little community.
We were able to be there this morning during the breakfast program and witness one of the many benefits for the children in the Name Changers program. I want to thank all of you, who have made a sacrifice and become a Name Changer
Here are a few pictures from today:

The little girl in the middle of this picture is  sponsored by my family. My children pray for her daily and are excited about the opportunity we have to help make a difference in her life.

Bread, eggs and hot chocolate for breakfast today (the children here love hot chocolate) These meals are provided because of people like you, who have become Name Changers through @25projectorg. Once again, thank you!

Would you pray for Anna Maria, the school teacher here in Santa Alicia. She is awesome an does a phenomenal job with these children