Monday, April 26, 2010

Sunday Reflections

What a day yesterday @GFchurch. The Lord is doing some awesome things in our church family. He continues to prove Himself to us. I always look forward to spending time with our church family every week. I am thankful for our people and our team. God is so good.

There a lot of things going on in the life of our church and we are really excited about what the Lord is doing in us, to us, and through us. I really enjoyed teaching yesterday morning over James 5: 13-20, as we wrapped up our series over James:: The Essentials. If you were not able to join us yesterday morning you can catch the service at GatewayTV

Mark Your Calendars::

~May 9, 2010 Baby Dedications
~May 15, 2010 Men's Breakfast
~June 4,5, 2010 GF Ladies Retreat
~June 29 - July 2, 2010 Student Camp @Pineywoods
~July 16-17, 2010 Father/Son Retreat
~July 25-28, 2010 Pre-Teen Camp @ Pineywoods

ConnectGroup Schedule::

TuesNite @ 7pm @ The Snow's
WedNite @ 7pm @ The Brown's
SunMorn @ 915am @ GFchurch

I love our church
I love our people
I love what He is doing in us
I love what He is doing to us
I love what He is doing through us

Monday, April 19, 2010

Reflections from Sunday

Yesterday morning was a great day @GFchurch. We continue to see new faces and are praying for the community that the Lord has called us to love. Scott Finch did a great job of leading us in worship. When I am gone, from the GFchurch Family, I always find myself missing the people and looking forward to the time I will see them again. I truly love "doinglifetogether" with our @GFchurch family. Last week, I was in Oklahoma preaching at a Youth Conference. Zach Snow preached last Sunday and covered the verses of scripture in James 5: 1-6. You can find the video of that service HERE

There a lot of things going on in the life of our church and we are really excited about what the Lord is doing in us, to us, and through us. I really enjoyed teaching yesterday morning over having patience in suffering. I walked through the scriptures found in James 5: 7-12. If you were not able to join us yesterday morning you can catch the service at GatewayTV

Mark Your Calendars::

~June 4,5, 2010 GF Ladies Retreat
~June 29 - July 2, 2010 Student Camp @Pineywoods
~July 16-17, 2010 Father/Son Retreat
~July 25-28, 2010 Pre-Teen Camp @ Pinmeywoods

ConnectGroup Schedule::

TuesNite @ 7pm @ The Snow's
WedNite @ 7pm @ The Brown's
SunMorn @ 915am @ GFchurch

I love our church
I love our people
I love what He is doing in us
I love what He is doing to us
I love what He is doing through us
I love that He is not done with us

My Prayer This Morning

Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.

O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console,
To be understood as to understand,
To be loved as to love;

For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
It is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

Saint Francis Of Assisi

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Discipleship and the Church

Ed Stetzer brings a message during The Verge Conference that every church and pastor should listen to.

Be ready to hear things like this:

"The reason we have so much dead weight in the church is because we have taught people to "know" and to not "do"~ via @edstetzer

"Obedience based discipleship leads to mission shaped disciples" ~via @edstetzer

"Get off of your blessed assurance and do something for Jesus" ~via @edstetzer

Monday, April 5, 2010

Reflections from the weekend

Coming off of Easter weekend is a rush. We had our 5th Annual EggSmash, which is our Community Easter Event, on Saturday April 3, 2010. The event was held at the City Park in Royse City and once again the Lord gave us an opportunity to simply "love" on our community. You can watch the highlight video here

Our Easter service was awesome. Scott Finch did a great job of leading worship. I love it when God's people sing out to their Creator. We looked at James 4:13-17 and looked at submitting to God. We looked at James' caution against having an attitude of independence from God. We then looked at Jesus' submission in Gethsemane found in Luke 22: 39-46. Jesus was pressing on to the Cross. He was submissive to the Cross. There is no other way for men to be saved apart from the innocent substitutionary suffering of the Lord Jesus! Looking back at James' caution of independence from God. We read that our lives are but a vapor. We are His. We are not our own. Even knowing that we are not guaranteed tomorrow or event he rest of today, we should be spurred into action to do His will. Look at the words of Jesus in Gethsemane. Jesus prays, "Father, if You are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but Yours be done". If you missed the service you can watch it on GatewayTV

Things Coming Up @GFchurch in April::

~April 10, 2010 GF Ladies Night (Bunco)
~April 17, 2010 Men's Breakfast

Mark Your Calendars::

~June 4,5, 2010 GF Ladies Retreat
~June 29 - July 2, 2010 Student Camp @Pineywoods
~July 16-17, 2010 Father/Son Retreat
~July 25-28, 2010 Pre-Teen Camp @ Pinmeywoods

ConnectGroup Schedule::

TuesNite @ 7pm @ The Snow's
WedNite @ 7pm @ The Brown's
Wednite (youth) @ 7pm @ The Snow's
SunMorn @ 915am @ GFchurch

I love our church
I love our people
I love what He is doing in us
I love what He is doing to us
I love what He is doing through us
I love that He is not done with us