Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday- DR download day2

We headed back out to Santa Alicia this morning to work on school benches and desks and to teach gospel stories to the children. The team did a great job singing, and presenting the story of the resurrection. I'm already looking forward to this team from Richmond Road in Texarkana coming back. They are great with the kids.
A couple of us worked on putting together desks and benches that are used in the little school, in this batey. It's always great watching the children become very appreciative of what we are able to do. You can tell that these kids love school and love their teacher. It is sad that many of them will never go to school past the 6th grade.
After working, we spent some time playing baseball with the boys and men while the ladies held babies and played with the Children. It is always fun to watch and participate in a game of Dominican batey baseball. These bateys are sometimes filled with athletes, that unfortunately may never have the opportunity to get out of the batey life.
We loaded up and left he batey this afternoon and I began to hear the very familiar words again. Every time a team leaves I hear,"I don't want to go. I want to take them with me". Once again the few days this team has spent in the batey, has forever changed their view and opinion on the "least of these" and the gospel mandated call to "go&do". They are forever changed

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