This is one of the responses I received for one of our students that went to the Dominican Republic with us this past month. His name is John Parker and he is a senior this year. He is what John had to say about the trip,
"It was certainly nice to be back home with all the comforts that come with it this Christmas, but, at the same time, it was harder to enjoy all the Ho Ho-ing and Holly Jollying when I reflected on all those in need this year (and I think that was a good thing). After our family took Communion after Christmas dinner, like we always do, I shared with them some of the things I saw while in the Dominican and i truly think, as a family, we all REALLY understood how blessed we are this year (which is often a foreign concept among many of us). As I promised, I tithed for the first time in a long time this morning and I hope to continue putting my money (and time) where my mouth is. In the coming weeks, I will request the Student Council put forth a contribution towards mission work in the DR and I personally will be giving towards the cause. This trip certainly opened my eyes to world I had previously ignored and now that they're open, I hope to never close them again. Best wishes to Mercy and Julio as well as to Pastor Manny and to all my Dominican friends. Happy New Year and God bless.
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