Tom Davis, in his book, Fields of the Fatherless, wrote::
What am I missing? Some years ago, I found myself asking this question almost daily. As a pastor, I thought I knew what mattered to God. I read my Bible almost every day. I tithed, I watched the “right” movies, I prayed as often as I could, I kept my devotions on track and I even journaled in an attempt to reflect on what was happening in my life! But none of this could shake my conviction that I was still missing something. Something important.
The rest of the book he talks about his journey into finding Jesus in a whole new dimension as he joined Jesus in the “fields of the fatherless” – orphan ministry in post communist Russia. This book is about adoption; not only our adoption as believers in Christ but also the fact that the Gospel spurs us into action.
Here are some of my favorite statements and or thoughts throughout his book:
.... Living Jesus' way demands that turn our back on our natural inclinations. Instead of self-concern, we need to be more concerned with loving our neighbors as ourselves and taking care of their needs ~p.34
.... God wants us to remember our bondage, remember how He has saved us, and in that remembrance, He wants us to reach out in love to the fatherless ~p.35
.... If the early church spent so much of it's time focusing on the fatherless in this respect, shouldn't we make them a priority as well? God gave us the responsibility to care for the defenseless ~p.37
.... Because of Christ's love for us, because He forgave us such an enormous debt we could never repay, we can show others the forgiveness and love of Christ. Genuine, believing faith manifests itself in tangible ways when we care for those who are poor, suffering, and fatherless or motherless ~p.63
.... If I am living in comfort and blessing, more is required of me as a follower of Christ ~p.64
.... My "blessings" are opportunities for me to reveal the reality of the faith I proclaim to possess. ~p.64
.... "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me" Matt 25:40
Wow, if that's the reason Jesus gives for ushering us into His Kingdom, it is surely a powerful statement as to what He's looking for from us"
He aches for those in pain, He sees the needs of the hungry and hungers with them. He hears they cry of the orphans, identifies Himself with their misery, and lowers Himself to their level ~p.71
.... One person has the ability to completely revolutionize the life of an abandon child, a foreigner, a single mom, or an elderly widow. Your creative energy could be the very thing that helps him or her keep going and even experience God's love for the first time ~p.98
.... each of us can do something to alter the life of at least one person whom God loves and cherishes ~p.100
.... simple acts of kindness are all it takes to change a life, a community, even a nation ~p.107
....God's love was most tangible when Jesus noticed the defenseless, Jesus identified with those who were forced to live in misery and then He did something to relive their pain ~p.109
.... The character of our Savior is compassion ~p.110
.... Most of His opportunities to care and heal occurred because He was out walking among them ~p.115
.... The greatest need each of us has-to know our true Father. Knowing Him brings definition, fulfillment, and completion to our lives. It truly answers the questions of our existence, yesterday, today, and tomorrow. ~p.125
.... If I could live my life doing one thing, what would You want me to do? I believe the message of Isaiah 58:7-9, would be His answer
7 Is it not to share your food with the hungry
and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter—
when you see the naked, to clothe him,
and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?
8 Then your light will break forth like the dawn,
and your healing will quickly appear;
then your righteousness [a] will go before you,
and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard.
9 Then you will call, and the LORD will answer;
you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I.
This is a great read. Go out and pick up a copy. Remember that in biblical times God maintained a special portion for the less fortunate. During harvest time, His people were instructed to leave a portion of the crops for those in need.
Are you leaving a portion to serve as provision for those who are less fortunate?
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