Monday, August 17, 2009

Sunday Reflections

We have had some amazing things take place in the life of Gateway Fellowship Church this weekend. We started Saturday morning with an awesome time of fellowship with the men of the church. We headed out to Soulman's BBQ and knocked out a huge portion of their breakfast buffet. We then hosted a block party in Zach Snow's neighborhood. We simply invited all of those who live in his housing edition over for a time of community. We had bounce houses, free food and drink and some amazing chill time. We met a lot of new people and even saw some new faces on church Sunday morning that we had a made a connection with on Saturday. We are hosting 3 more block parties over the next 2 months. These block parties will be hosted in neighborhoods that we currently have Connect Groups meeting in as well as a neighborhood that we are looking at launching a Connect Group in at a later date.

Sunday morning was awesome. Scott Finch our Worship/ Creative Arts Pastor did an amazing job leading worship and the church had a real sweet, authentic vibe as the created lifted their voices to the Creator. We finished our second week looking at Money. Last week we talked about not becoming possessed by our possessions but rather becoming possessors of our possessions. This week we looked at getting our Money under control and talked about things such as:

Problem: No Financial Plan
Solution: Prayerfully budget

Problem: Over indulgence
Solution: Simplify

Problem: Debt
Solution: Cut credit spending

Problem: Trusting money
Solution: Learning to Give is a faith issue

To top it off, on Sunday afternoon, we celebrated Lily Finch's Bday (daughter of Scott Finch). The really cool thing that happened here is that when Lilly sent out her invitations to her party; she asked those who were coming to not bring her a present but instead bring a pair of pajamas or bring a donation toward The Dallas Chapter of the Pajama Program. I love when children see the big picture. Lily, thanks for having such a precious compassionate heart.

I love our church
I love our people
I love our team
I love what He is doing in us
I love what He is doing through us
I love that He is not done with us

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