This weekend was awesome in the life of GFchurch. We had a neighborhood block party in Creekview Estates. We had a great turn out at the block party and made some awesome connections. Sunday morning service had an awesome turn out of new faces, many that we met and connected with the night before at our block party. We are so excited about what the Lord is doing in us and the direction our church is headed.
This morning, our worship led by Scott Finch was great and I always enjoy hearing God's people sing out to their Creator. It is truly one of the things I enjoy the most. I love our worship times and always look forward to celebrating with the Body of Christ each week. This week's message entitled Consecrate Yourselves took a look at what we must do to:
con·se·crate (transitive verb): to dedicate something or somebody to a specific purpose.
We looked at Joshua 3:1-5 and looked specifically at the words Joshua gave his people. In verse 5 it says, "Then Joshua said to the people, "Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you."
We learned that in order to consecrate ourselves, it becomes a heart issue. You must be willing to:
* Give Attention on God
* Draw Close
* Pay attention
* Be available
* Be Ready
We are also going to be starting creating our own video driven small group studies. Zach Snow our Executive/ Teaching Pastor will begin creating and facilitation these upcoming studies. We are truly excited about the direction of our ConnectGroup Minstry.
Don't forget that @GFchurch will be at the Frisco Rough Riders game Wednesday night. If you have not gotten your tickets yet please contact me. Remember, these tickets are free but they are first come, first serve. The tickets include free hot dogs and hamburgers plus a hat and a ticket for parking. We still have some spots available. I am really looking forward to hanging out with our church family this coming Wednesday at the game
There are a lot of things in store for us @GFchurch and we are praying in accordance with the scriptures that teach us that, "the Lord will do wonders among you"
:Missional Christian::Emerging Elder::Reformed Theologian::Gutter Walker::Avid Reader::Loving Husband::Proud Father::Coach::Teacher::Church Planter::Pastor:
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Local Habitat To Hold Informational Meeting
Dear Church Family,
We wanted to pass this information onto you in an effort to get it out to as many people as possible. If you know of anyone that might be a candidate please make sure they have this information.
Media Contact: Melissa A. Hicks, Mosaic Marketing, 484.888.6766 or Mellisa Hicks
Local Habitat to Host Informational Meeting for
Local Families Seeking an Affordable Home
ROCKWALL, TEXAS, August 27, 2009 — Rockwall County and Royse City residents who do not qualify for a mortgage from a traditional lender such as a bank, may still be able to own a home for as little as $500 per month thanks to the Rockwall Area Habitat for Humanity (RAHFH). The nonprofit organization leverages donations and volunteer labor to construct homes which they sell at cost with zero percent financing to qualified applicants. The group is currently seeking applicants and will provide an informational meeting on Saturday, September 19 from 10:00 a.m. until noon at the Rockwall Public Library located at 1215 East Yellow Jacket Lane.
During the meeting, members of the RAHFH Family Selection Committee and a current Habitat home owner will detail the application criteria and process. They will also conduct an initial screening of attendees, distribute application packets and arrange assistance for anyone who needs help completing the application. The program will be conducted in English and a Spanish translator will be present.
“Given the recession, more families than ever are in need of affordable housing. Our goal is to raise awareness throughout the community that the Rockwall Area Habitat for Humanity can make home ownership a reality for qualified applicants,” stated Larry Wells, vice president of the RAHFH.
Wells encouraged local churches, social service agencies, and individuals to help spread the word to anyone in need of affordable housing. Applications are available online at Rockwall Habitat or by calling 972.771.6909.
About Rockwall Area Habitat for Humanity
The RAHFH is a Christian housing ministry dedicated to building homes for families who might not otherwise afford one. The group constructs the homes by leveraging private donations and volunteer labor, then it sells each home at cost and provides zero interest financing for the approved family. Since its inception in 1994, the RAHFH has constructed 23 homes for area families. For more information, visit Rockwal Habitat
We wanted to pass this information onto you in an effort to get it out to as many people as possible. If you know of anyone that might be a candidate please make sure they have this information.
Media Contact: Melissa A. Hicks, Mosaic Marketing, 484.888.6766 or Mellisa Hicks
Local Habitat to Host Informational Meeting for
Local Families Seeking an Affordable Home
ROCKWALL, TEXAS, August 27, 2009 — Rockwall County and Royse City residents who do not qualify for a mortgage from a traditional lender such as a bank, may still be able to own a home for as little as $500 per month thanks to the Rockwall Area Habitat for Humanity (RAHFH). The nonprofit organization leverages donations and volunteer labor to construct homes which they sell at cost with zero percent financing to qualified applicants. The group is currently seeking applicants and will provide an informational meeting on Saturday, September 19 from 10:00 a.m. until noon at the Rockwall Public Library located at 1215 East Yellow Jacket Lane.
During the meeting, members of the RAHFH Family Selection Committee and a current Habitat home owner will detail the application criteria and process. They will also conduct an initial screening of attendees, distribute application packets and arrange assistance for anyone who needs help completing the application. The program will be conducted in English and a Spanish translator will be present.
“Given the recession, more families than ever are in need of affordable housing. Our goal is to raise awareness throughout the community that the Rockwall Area Habitat for Humanity can make home ownership a reality for qualified applicants,” stated Larry Wells, vice president of the RAHFH.
Wells encouraged local churches, social service agencies, and individuals to help spread the word to anyone in need of affordable housing. Applications are available online at Rockwall Habitat or by calling 972.771.6909.
About Rockwall Area Habitat for Humanity
The RAHFH is a Christian housing ministry dedicated to building homes for families who might not otherwise afford one. The group constructs the homes by leveraging private donations and volunteer labor, then it sells each home at cost and provides zero interest financing for the approved family. Since its inception in 1994, the RAHFH has constructed 23 homes for area families. For more information, visit Rockwal Habitat
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Reflections from Sunday
It has been an awesome week already. I have had so much going on that I neglected to post my normal Sunday afternoon reflections. This past Sunday we finished our sermon series called, "Stressed?". We finished out the series with a message on Raising Children. I really enjoyed it and look forward to all the conversations that will arise from it.
This Sunday I will be teaching a message called, "Consecrate Yourselves" and I am already getting pumped up about it. We have some really cool stuff coming around the corner in the life of GFchurch so stay tuned for more details. We are going to be rolling out some new "Gateway In Gear" serving opportunities as well as taking our Connect Group ministry to the next level.
We are also trying to get our live video feeds back up and running for Sunday mornings. We have taken a slight break from it when we moved into our new building but we are doing our best to get it back up. You can currently view the recorded worship services on our website by clicking on GatewayTV
This Sunday I will be teaching a message called, "Consecrate Yourselves" and I am already getting pumped up about it. We have some really cool stuff coming around the corner in the life of GFchurch so stay tuned for more details. We are going to be rolling out some new "Gateway In Gear" serving opportunities as well as taking our Connect Group ministry to the next level.
We are also trying to get our live video feeds back up and running for Sunday mornings. We have taken a slight break from it when we moved into our new building but we are doing our best to get it back up. You can currently view the recorded worship services on our website by clicking on GatewayTV
Monday, August 17, 2009
Sunday Reflections
We have had some amazing things take place in the life of Gateway Fellowship Church this weekend. We started Saturday morning with an awesome time of fellowship with the men of the church. We headed out to Soulman's BBQ and knocked out a huge portion of their breakfast buffet. We then hosted a block party in Zach Snow's neighborhood. We simply invited all of those who live in his housing edition over for a time of community. We had bounce houses, free food and drink and some amazing chill time. We met a lot of new people and even saw some new faces on church Sunday morning that we had a made a connection with on Saturday. We are hosting 3 more block parties over the next 2 months. These block parties will be hosted in neighborhoods that we currently have Connect Groups meeting in as well as a neighborhood that we are looking at launching a Connect Group in at a later date.
Sunday morning was awesome. Scott Finch our Worship/ Creative Arts Pastor did an amazing job leading worship and the church had a real sweet, authentic vibe as the created lifted their voices to the Creator. We finished our second week looking at Money. Last week we talked about not becoming possessed by our possessions but rather becoming possessors of our possessions. This week we looked at getting our Money under control and talked about things such as:
Problem: No Financial Plan
Solution: Prayerfully budget
Problem: Over indulgence
Solution: Simplify
Problem: Debt
Solution: Cut credit spending
Problem: Trusting money
Solution: Learning to Give is a faith issue
To top it off, on Sunday afternoon, we celebrated Lily Finch's Bday (daughter of Scott Finch). The really cool thing that happened here is that when Lilly sent out her invitations to her party; she asked those who were coming to not bring her a present but instead bring a pair of pajamas or bring a donation toward The Dallas Chapter of the Pajama Program. I love when children see the big picture. Lily, thanks for having such a precious compassionate heart.
I love our church
I love our people
I love our team
I love what He is doing in us
I love what He is doing through us
I love that He is not done with us
Sunday morning was awesome. Scott Finch our Worship/ Creative Arts Pastor did an amazing job leading worship and the church had a real sweet, authentic vibe as the created lifted their voices to the Creator. We finished our second week looking at Money. Last week we talked about not becoming possessed by our possessions but rather becoming possessors of our possessions. This week we looked at getting our Money under control and talked about things such as:
Problem: No Financial Plan
Solution: Prayerfully budget
Problem: Over indulgence
Solution: Simplify
Problem: Debt
Solution: Cut credit spending
Problem: Trusting money
Solution: Learning to Give is a faith issue
To top it off, on Sunday afternoon, we celebrated Lily Finch's Bday (daughter of Scott Finch). The really cool thing that happened here is that when Lilly sent out her invitations to her party; she asked those who were coming to not bring her a present but instead bring a pair of pajamas or bring a donation toward The Dallas Chapter of the Pajama Program. I love when children see the big picture. Lily, thanks for having such a precious compassionate heart.
I love our church
I love our people
I love our team
I love what He is doing in us
I love what He is doing through us
I love that He is not done with us
Friday, August 14, 2009
Theological Words Every Christian Should Know ~ Propitiation

The satisfaction of God's violated holiness. When Mom was able to dissuade Dad from administering corporal punishment on you, did she become a propitiation? No! As the propitiation for sins, Jesus did not alter the Heavenly Father's disposition toward us. After all, the Father sent the Son to die for sinners. Rather, propitiation points to the sufficiency of Christ's redeeming work on the cross to deliver us from deserved wrath unto undeserved bliss..
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Reflections From Sunday
We had a great day at Gateway Fellowship this past Sunday. The worship time was awesome, led by Scott Finch and I had the opportunity to teach on the scriptures in the Gospel of Mark concerning the Rich Young Ruler. The message was entitled, Possessed or Possessor" and it challenged us to answer the question of whether or not we were truly possessors of our possessions or if we were in reality possessed by our possessions. The Rich Young Ruler when asked what he must do to inherit eternal life was given an answer. His response to that was to say that he had done all of those things from his youth. Jesus responds and says, "you still lack something, go and sell all that you have an come follow me" Scripture tell us that the Rich Young Ruler walked away saddened and was grieving for he was one who owned much property. You see, the Rich Young Ruler was possessed by his possessions. Are you?
If we truly are the possessors of our possessions then we understand that everything we have is from God and for God. When we are the possessors, our possessions become tools in our hands. We can use those tools for our own enjoyment, but we could also use those tools to serve other people and to serve God. It means that we can part with our possessions and part with our money. It means that as we make more money, we don't have to spend it all, but we can give it. It means that we can even scale back our lifestyle if that is what we need to do. That's what it means to be a possessor instead of being possessed.
This Sunday, we will be looking at "Money:: Getting It Under Control" "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed."(Proverbs 16) Here is a basic bit of wisdom that says that planning is good and that as responsible Christian's our planning is something we do under the authority of God. So we commit what we do to God and this includes our financial life. So what's the problem?
The problem. We've got no financial plan. What is the solution? The solution is to prayerfully budget. In a healthy lifestyle there is always money left over at the end of the month and if we get to the end of our pay period again and again and there is no money left, and we find ourselves short again, we need to know why.
Sunday Night, we had another awesome time of worship and scripture reading, We looked at the business of the church, our financials, and discussed direction and vision. We launched our Gateway In Gear emphasis. We will be hosting 4 block parties in targeted neighborhoods throughout our community over the next 2 months followed by our participation in the Royse City annual Fun Fest event that is held downtown every year. We are really excited about what is ahead of us and we are praying that lives will be transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We finished the worship time by asking the church to join with us in praying for these 9 things:
1. that we would see our problem is not simple moral failure but failure to honor God
2. that we would understand that discipline rarely brings about love, but love always brings discipline.
3. that we would find the fullness of all things in Christ(He's the fullness of all things)
4. that as children of God we are not under wrath but under mercy (God's not "out to get us")
5. that we would recognize God has placed us where we are for His purpose and His glory
6. that we would live in Holy discontentment
7. that we would develop an appetite for truth, even difficult ones
8. that we would embrace Biblical Christianity and not American Evangelicalism
9. that we would we would believe in the power of the Holy Spirit and desire it earnestly
I love our church
I love our people
I love our team
I love what He is doing in us
I love what He is doing through us
I love that He is not done with us
One last thing, if you are not yet involved in a Connect Group get in touch withZach Snow and he can help direct you to the appropriate group
If we truly are the possessors of our possessions then we understand that everything we have is from God and for God. When we are the possessors, our possessions become tools in our hands. We can use those tools for our own enjoyment, but we could also use those tools to serve other people and to serve God. It means that we can part with our possessions and part with our money. It means that as we make more money, we don't have to spend it all, but we can give it. It means that we can even scale back our lifestyle if that is what we need to do. That's what it means to be a possessor instead of being possessed.
This Sunday, we will be looking at "Money:: Getting It Under Control" "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed."(Proverbs 16) Here is a basic bit of wisdom that says that planning is good and that as responsible Christian's our planning is something we do under the authority of God. So we commit what we do to God and this includes our financial life. So what's the problem?
The problem. We've got no financial plan. What is the solution? The solution is to prayerfully budget. In a healthy lifestyle there is always money left over at the end of the month and if we get to the end of our pay period again and again and there is no money left, and we find ourselves short again, we need to know why.
Sunday Night, we had another awesome time of worship and scripture reading, We looked at the business of the church, our financials, and discussed direction and vision. We launched our Gateway In Gear emphasis. We will be hosting 4 block parties in targeted neighborhoods throughout our community over the next 2 months followed by our participation in the Royse City annual Fun Fest event that is held downtown every year. We are really excited about what is ahead of us and we are praying that lives will be transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We finished the worship time by asking the church to join with us in praying for these 9 things:
1. that we would see our problem is not simple moral failure but failure to honor God
2. that we would understand that discipline rarely brings about love, but love always brings discipline.
3. that we would find the fullness of all things in Christ(He's the fullness of all things)
4. that as children of God we are not under wrath but under mercy (God's not "out to get us")
5. that we would recognize God has placed us where we are for His purpose and His glory
6. that we would live in Holy discontentment
7. that we would develop an appetite for truth, even difficult ones
8. that we would embrace Biblical Christianity and not American Evangelicalism
9. that we would we would believe in the power of the Holy Spirit and desire it earnestly
I love our church
I love our people
I love our team
I love what He is doing in us
I love what He is doing through us
I love that He is not done with us
One last thing, if you are not yet involved in a Connect Group get in touch withZach Snow and he can help direct you to the appropriate group
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Sunday Reflections
Proverbs 3: 5-6
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight.
This is the passage of scripture we were in this morning. We looked at the following four things:
1. you have to GIVE Up~ Trust in the LORD with all your heart
2. you have to GIVE In~ And do not lean on your own understanding.
3. you have to GIVE To~ In all your ways acknowledge Him,
4. you have to GO Forth~ And He will make your paths straight.
We started service out this morning with a responsive reading led by Zach Snow our Executive/ Teaching Pastor. Scott Finch our Worship/ Creative Arts Pastor did a great job leading us in worship this morning. There was a sweet spirit in the house today. I love hearing God's people respond to their Creator in praise. I love hearing my beautiful wife, Natalie sing. She stands next to me every Sunday and she pours her heart and life out to the One who made her. I am so thankful for Natalie and her passionate pursuit of her Savior. I have the most beautiful wife in the world. Thank You Lord for your divine appointments.
I love our church
I love our people
I love what He is doing in us
I love what He is doing through us
I love that He is not done with us
I leave you with the responsive reading from this morning::
But Where Will You Go? (Responsive Reading)
Leader: God, You said for us to follow you.
Congregation: But where will You go? Where will you take us?
Leader: We sometimes hope that you would simply reside in the church. But your heart always is drawn to the dark places that have never seen your light.
Congregation: Where will You go? Surely not into the darkness.
Leader: Will you go to the forgotten people of our society who live without hope?
Congregation: Where will You go? Surely not to the people we've chosen to pass by.
Leader: Will you go to the homes racked by divorce, infidelity, abortion, and spiritual warfare?
Congregation: Where will You go? Even to people who have made foolish decisions.
Leader: Will you go to the prisoners, the homeless, and the diseased? The terrorists?
Congregation: Where will You go? Must we follow you into jails and homeless shelters?
Leader: Will you go to our homes? Will you go to our offices?
Congregation: Where will You go, God? Where must we follow?
Leader: You've called us to follow. "Go into all the world, and teach all nations, baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you."
People of God, Do you see the answer? He states it clearly and he waits for our response as we ask ourselves. . .
Congregation: We will face the question, "Where will we go?" And we answer, "Where He leads us we will follow.
Leader: Lord, we want to follow you, to carry your light, to keep this great commission. Give us the courage to follow you as other saints have throughout history.
5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight.
This is the passage of scripture we were in this morning. We looked at the following four things:
1. you have to GIVE Up~ Trust in the LORD with all your heart
2. you have to GIVE In~ And do not lean on your own understanding.
3. you have to GIVE To~ In all your ways acknowledge Him,
4. you have to GO Forth~ And He will make your paths straight.
We started service out this morning with a responsive reading led by Zach Snow our Executive/ Teaching Pastor. Scott Finch our Worship/ Creative Arts Pastor did a great job leading us in worship this morning. There was a sweet spirit in the house today. I love hearing God's people respond to their Creator in praise. I love hearing my beautiful wife, Natalie sing. She stands next to me every Sunday and she pours her heart and life out to the One who made her. I am so thankful for Natalie and her passionate pursuit of her Savior. I have the most beautiful wife in the world. Thank You Lord for your divine appointments.
I love our church
I love our people
I love what He is doing in us
I love what He is doing through us
I love that He is not done with us
I leave you with the responsive reading from this morning::
But Where Will You Go? (Responsive Reading)
Leader: God, You said for us to follow you.
Congregation: But where will You go? Where will you take us?
Leader: We sometimes hope that you would simply reside in the church. But your heart always is drawn to the dark places that have never seen your light.
Congregation: Where will You go? Surely not into the darkness.
Leader: Will you go to the forgotten people of our society who live without hope?
Congregation: Where will You go? Surely not to the people we've chosen to pass by.
Leader: Will you go to the homes racked by divorce, infidelity, abortion, and spiritual warfare?
Congregation: Where will You go? Even to people who have made foolish decisions.
Leader: Will you go to the prisoners, the homeless, and the diseased? The terrorists?
Congregation: Where will You go? Must we follow you into jails and homeless shelters?
Leader: Will you go to our homes? Will you go to our offices?
Congregation: Where will You go, God? Where must we follow?
Leader: You've called us to follow. "Go into all the world, and teach all nations, baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you."
People of God, Do you see the answer? He states it clearly and he waits for our response as we ask ourselves. . .
Congregation: We will face the question, "Where will we go?" And we answer, "Where He leads us we will follow.
Leader: Lord, we want to follow you, to carry your light, to keep this great commission. Give us the courage to follow you as other saints have throughout history.
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