I love spending time with my kids. It gets even better when that time is spent near a pond or on the lake with a fishing rod in my hand. I have to be honest here ant tell you that I am truly thankful that both of my children love the outdoors, love to fish, love to camp and continually ask me to do so, as often as they can. Fishing is one of the things that I love to do, There is something calming about it to me. Scripture references such as Psalm 46:10 that read, "Be still and know that I am God" or in some translations, "Cease striving and know that I am God" run deep in my soul as I sit on the bank of a river, pond or lake and throw out my line.
Fishing is found throughout the scripture. We know that many of the disciples were fisherman. As a matter of fact, we know that Jesus called for them to follow Him and He would make them "fishers of men". Once again, an amazing picture of what the Lord has called for us to do in our lives. We are called to "fish". He has called us and compelled through His word to become fishers of men!
Days like today remind me of how good our God is. Days like today remind me that my children have been given to me as an inheritance and that I have been called to nurture and raise them in the faith. Let's be honest, they belong to Him anyway. Everything is FOR God and everything is FROM God.
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