So I just picked up Alan Hirsch's book called, "The Forgotten Ways~ reactivating the missional church". In his introduction he starts with a quotes that says, "A church which pitches its tents without constantly looking out for new horizons, which does not continually strike camp, is being untrue to its calling... We must play down our longing for certainty, accept what is risky, and live by improvisation and experiment" ... Hans Kung, The Church as the People of God
I love the thought that if we, as church planters, leaders and pastors, are not willing to dream big dreams, look beyond today or get out of the seat of mediocrity~ we are not truly living the call that the Lord has put on the church. How often do we, in this life, settle for the mundane? How often to we settle for second best when it comes to the church? should we not be the most creative thing going? Don't get me wrong, I am not implying that we should just become places of lights, loudness and lackadaisical leadership but I am implying that we have to grab the attention of the culture that we have been placed into.
Is it not a part of our calling to exegete the community and see how we can most effectively reach its demographics? Do we not have a calling to do everything with excellence? As a church planter and a pastor, I am always trying to learn from those around me. I do my best to watch and listen and get a feel for the culture of the community. I try to listen and speak only when I need to, but I am becoming more and more convinced that I am supposed to be a change agent. I have to think missionaly and live authentically for the name and renown of Jesus Christ.
So as I reflect on these very things, I can not help but wonder, "am I really taking risks?" Am I dreaming big dreams. Dreams that we could only see come to fruition if HE was the one behind them? Or do I dream dreams that I realistically think we can accomplish in and of ourselves? I know the Lord has given me a vision for Gateway Fellowship and how we are to reach the community that surrounds us. I pray everyday that He would give me the strength to take the risks that will need to be taken in order to see it take place!
Lord, give me your ears, your eyes and your heart so that I can hear, see and love people they way that You do!
Gentlemen, I ask that you pray for us as take risks!
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