Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Dominican Republic 3.8.22


Well this morning concluded our time with the students. We spent some time worshipping together and talking about the things we had learned these past 4 days. We were pleased to hear some of things that the students had retained from the lessons and were willing to share with their peers, in a group setting. 

I finally got to see Darianny this morning. As you can see, she was struggling a little bit. She showed up in tears and after a few hugs she seemed okay, but didn’t really want to talk about what was going on. She hadn’t been able to make it on the days we had big group time. We just let her know that we cared, that we are praying for her, and so thankful for the opportunity that we have to be a small part of her life through the sponsorship program. When you have time, if she comes to your mind, say a prayer for Darianny

These two guys have been great this week. They have the potential to be great leaders for the younger children and their fellow peers. Pray for a continued desire to know more and more about Jesus. I’m looking forward to July, when we came back so I can hear what the Lord has been doing in the lives of Christopher and Yeison. 

Don’t forget to pray for Paul and Jose. These guys are the real deal. They have a deep desire for the things of God and give of their time, and talent to do their part to further the kingdom. 

 I have so many pictures and stories to tell and will be sharing those over the next few days and months. Plus, it helps pass the time until July- when we will be back 

Monday, March 7, 2022

Dominican Republic 3.7.22

We spent the morning walking through some defining values about the Trinity. We looked at The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit and how each of  them work together yet separate. This morning concluded our lessons with the students and I am thankful for the opportunity we had these last three mornings. From discussions about the authority, clarity, necessity, and sufficiency of the Scriptures to the many attributes of our God, I hope they have a little better understanding of these principles that help shape our faith and worldview.

Here is a picture of one of the students notes that they have taken the last few days 

They worked on making three separate star like patterns that can be hung on the wall as a reminder of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit 

We have one last morning with them before we have to say bye. One of the only things that makes that a little easier is that I will be back in July

Please continue to pray for Kendi, Christopher, Yeison, Patricia, and Rubi

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Dominican Republic 3.6.22

We spent some time today talking about who God is. We looked at His existence, His knowability, His goodness, His holiness, His truthfulness, His omniscience, His omnipresence, His omnipotence, and His unity. We had some great conversations centered around His attributes and the fact that His nature is the standard at which we find our morality/ethics, which help shape our biblical worldview.

We spent some time worshipping together. This always seems to be some of our best times together. There is not a trip that goes by where they don’t ask Brandon and me to lead out in some worship. I love that we can start singing in English and they join in, singing in Spanish. There are a few songs that we have worked on enough that we can actually sing the chorus in Spanish as well. 

We had an opportunity to present the gospel story to all of the students today, as well as a time of testimonies - sharing about the truth, beauty and goodness of God. I have to tell you that I thoroughly enjoy hearing my son share his story and make much of who Jesus is

The students love the time they have to work on crafts. Today, they were able to make some paintings on canvas with the cross symbolizing the grace that God gives us. 

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Dominican Republic 3.5.22

 We had a great start this morning to our leadership retreat. We spent some time talking about the authority, clarity, necessity, and sufficiency of scripture. It’s days like this that I am reminded that we have to not just “do” church but we have to “be” the church. I think at times, if we are not careful, we find ourselves just going through the motions of what we would call church. We find ourselves in a routine that becomes stale and stagnant if not passionate about pursuing ALL that He has for us. What is it that He is calling you to? Where is He reveling Himself to you in your life? Are you willing to respond to that revelation?

These two men are yet another reason I love coming back to The Dominican Republic. They both love the Lord and have a deep passion for The Word to be taught contextually and with authority. We have amazing conversations about ministry being done from a gospel centered perspective. When you have a chance pray for Paul (closest to me) and Jose. These two men are serving in multiple ministries and are an inspiration 

I am overwhelmed at times, when I look back at all the things that The Lord has done over the years here in The Dominican. I remember prayerfully walking through villages asking God to give us a place to invest in vulnerable children, in a way that would show them the love of Christ. My prayer is that these children would know and understand that HE is sufficient in all things. It’s ironic, because I feel like it’s the same thing that we all need to know and understand. If we truly believe that He is sovereign in all things, than why do we allow ourselves NOT to rest in the simple fact that His sovereignty is sufficient for us. He is truly all we need. If He is sufficient, than we don’t have to add anything. We don’t have to try and manipulate events, and or circumstances that we find ourselves in. We can rest knowing that He is ultimately the One who is in control of it all.

Here are a few pics of the students that I am pouring into this week during our small group times. Please pray for Patricia, Rubi, Kendi, Christopher, and Yeison


Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Dominican Republic 12.30.20

Words can not express what today as like. Let me start with this though. During their Christmas musical presentation they used a donkey for Mary to ride in the ministry on, while Joseph led the donkey. 

I had an amazing time being able to sit with our sweet little girl here in the Dominican. Her name is Darianny, Please continue to pray for her and her family.

This was another awesome moment when they danced to Waymaker. The children in the program always work on artistic ways to worship their creator. I love the fact that they use their talents to worship.

Then there’s these two guys Miguel Angel and Claudio. We usually spend time playing music together and or studying the Word with each other. These guys will be used in a mighty way for the Lord. They seem to have a genuine commitment to the program and are always leading our in the Bible study and the worship time. They are gifted musicians as well.

Let me say a big thank you to all of you who helped support our Christmas Meal here. It was a huge blessing.

I will leave it with this, my son continues to amaze me with his love for the Word of God and his passion for it being taught with clarity. After, I presented the gospel to all the older children this afternoon, he stepped up and spoke with boldness about his spiritual journey, making sure to let them now the story doesn’t end (your journey doesn’t end) until He calls you home - and that the journey is one of progression. 

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Dominican Republic 12.29.20

 Today was yet another beautiful day here in the Dominican Republic. Today was a day that reminded me of the fact that every tribe and every tongue will bring glory to His name.

All the nations you have made shall come and worship before you, O Lord, and shall glorify your name.  - Psalm 86:9

There is something to be said about the universal language of music. It draws people together. A song, even in a language you don’t understand, can have an amazing impact on you. I used to travel as a worship leader and retreat speaker and I can honestly say that worship fuels me, feeds me, and refreshes me. I have some amazing memories of leading at camps and retreats when His people unashamedly worshipped. As a family, we are drawn together to worship our Creator for his truth, beauty, and goodness. He has always been, and will always be the constant for us. I realize that most of us equate worship to singing songs of praise and adoration, but it is so much more than that. It is literally a lifestyle that we are called to have.

But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. - John 4:23

The understanding that I have is that to be a true worshipper, you must worship in spirit and truth. So apart from the spirit, it is impossible to be a true worshipper. This also leads us to believe that apart from the truth, it is impossible to be a true worshipper. 

Don’t hear me wrong. Don’t neglect that truth that we are all worshippers of something or someone. The question is what are you actually worshipping? Who are you actually worshipping? If it is not the King of kings, through the truth of who Jesus is and the spirit that leads and guides us for His name sake - than you are NOT a true worshipper. At least not the kind that is spoken about in the scriptures. 

Today was just a reassurance of the fact that His children are wired to worship Him. 

Monday, December 28, 2020

Dominican Republic - 12.28.20

 Well, I’m sitting here again, in a place that has a big portion of my heart, reflecting on the day so far. We have 27 students involved in our leadership retreat this week, and I am already excited about what HE is doing. This morning as we walked through the gospel I couldn’t help but be encouraged by how that gospel was being shared with clarity. Students, here in the program, who are learning and gleaning truth from the Word are not ashamed to share it. Miguel Angel and Claudio are always willing to share and present the gospel unashamedly to all of their peers. As a matter of act, as we were leaving this afternoon they asked if we were going to continue studying the Bible because they loved it. Those conversations are what makes all of this worth it. I also love the fact that my son, can come in behind the study and put a bow on it with his stories that help drive home the points. It is also very encouraging when the students here are asking where the rest of my family is. Natalie, Meaghan and Kellie (Watson) - please know that you are a blessing to them and that they miss you. 

We then took some time to walk through the village and pray for some of the families that are being supported through the @25project. One of the little girls, who is new to the program, asked that we pray for her Mom who is still in Haiti and for her Dad and step mom who she lives with here in the DR. She told us she wanted to be a doctor. Another precious girl, also new to the program, asked us to pray for her mom’s health  and she told us that she wanted to grow up to be a good mom. This was precious to hear out of her mouth. The fact that she desires to be a good mom is wonderful. It reminded me a lot about some of the things we strive to put in front of our students back home. We challenge them to become men of valor and women of virtue.